Canadian Firefighter Magazine

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Laura King   

Features Blogs Editor’s blog

March 10, 2010

OK. Back to blogging.

I took a swing through Hastings County last week to speak to a mutual-aid meeting for nine eastern Ontario fire departments. Public speaking is not my forte so it was rather nerve wracking but I think I managed to entertain and educate the 50-plus firefighters in the room from Marmora & Lake, Stirling-Rawdon, Prince Edward County, Mohawk and other departments about our magazines.

Here are the guys from Marmora & Lake looking satiated after a fabulous meal (which is part of the monthly meeting – who knew!)





It's March 10 and already it’s been a bad month for fire fatalities here in Ontario: one Saturday near Ottawa, apparently caused by careless
smoking; a murder in Soufville, in which the boyfriend of the victim is charged; a father and daughter in
Toronto, and two others, in Sault Ste.
Marie and
Richmond. None of the reports about the Toronto father and daughter have
indicated how the fire started or whether there were smoke detectors in the
home. Odd.  


Being a
firefighter in
Canada has its special charms and
challenges. Brush fires.
Forest fires. Ice-water rescue. But do any Canadian fire
departments have a unit dedicated to venom response? That got your attention!
As you think about driving with your family to
Florida for March Break, meet Capt. Jeff
Fobb, who leads Miami-Dade Fire Rescue’s Venom Response Bureau.
Florida is kicking off a major campaign
to hunt down and eradicate thousands of dangerous reptiles in the
Everglades. Read more here.



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