Canadian Firefighter Magazine

Indy observations from a first timer

By Trevor Allan The Fire Within/High River   

Features Blogs Editor’s blog

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Indianapolis, Ind. - Well, it took a while but I think I got this stuff figgered out. It has been an experience that one cannot explain with mere words alone. 

Indy is a place to be admired with raw appreciation. The architecture can be gazed upon for hours on end, and the citizens have a pleasant accent that makes "eh?" seem familiar in a quasi-Canuck way!

Now, for FDIC . . . there is
simply too much to be taken in for the short time that we are here for.
The classroom sessions are stacked with presenters and students who
have earned their keep in the industry, and are excited to share in
their knowledge. One has to keep a clear head if one is to regurgitate
the information when returning to respective departments. Education is
power that needs to be shared with others to be truly appreciated. The
trade floor at the Indianapolis Convention Center and Lucas Oil Stadium
cannot be completely absorbed in the short time that you have, it is
just TOO expansive. One can only gaze in awe at the sheer magnitude of
the event as a whole . . . it is truly a spectacle to behold!

My deepest thanks to Chad, Jodi, Neil, Brad and all of the staff at The
Fire Within for the opportunity of a lifetime. I will not forget this!
Also, thanks to all of the other participants for the opportunity to
network on an individual basis. I respect you all for your knowledge
and expertise. Mr. Bobby Halton, FDIC and the City of Indianapolis, you
put on one heck of a show that should not be missed by any person
involved in the fire/rescue industry. Best wishes to all of the guys at
home taking care of the store while we are gone!

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